Cheapest Way to Buy Bitcoin: Your Best Place to Buy Bitcoins 2019La forma más barata de comprar Bitcoin: Tu mejor lugar para la compra de Bitcoins en el 2019

Cheapest Way to Buy Bitcoin: Your Best Place to Buy Bitcoins 2019La forma más barata de comprar Bitcoin: Tu mejor lugar para la compra de Bitcoins en el 2019

[:en]CoinCola is the world’s cheapest crypto marketplace that supports peer-to-peer transactions. Compared to other popular options, it charges considerably less for withdrawals and purchases. This makes it the #1 option for buying bitcoin cheaply, especially if you’re buying with cash. Take a look at the table below to see for yourself:[:es]A decir verdad, muchas de las formas más conocidas para transferir dolares USD a PayPal, Skrill, Venmo entre otros, no le permiten de manera sencilla la compra de bitcoins. Por suerte, uno de los cripto mercados OTC más grandes del mundo es también uno de los mejores lugares para comprar bitcoins si tiene a su disposición dinero a la mano (o en su tarjeta de débito).[:]

How to Buy and Sell Bitcoin Instantly in VenezuelaCómo realizar compra y venta de Bitcoins de forma instantánea en Venezuela

How to Buy and Sell Bitcoin Instantly in VenezuelaCómo realizar compra y venta de Bitcoins de forma instantánea en Venezuela

[:en]Over the last 5 years, Venezuela has seen some of the worst economic instability in the country’s history. From hyperinflation to unemployment and poverty, Venezuela’s currency has become close to worthless. This crisis forced locals to look for alternatives, such as cryptocurrency.[:]

Weekly Updates Vol.1 (2018.11.3-2018.11.9)

Weekly Updates Vol.1 (2018.11.3-2018.11.9)

Weekly Market Review Market Status quo As of 12:00 GMT on Friday (November 9th), the total market cap of cryptocurrencies reaches $215.15B, and transaction volume of cryptocurrencies reaches $13.8B. Bitcoin’s price was at $6443.61, down 0.65% form 24 hours. Also, the price of USDT,the stable currency, was $ 0.998. Ethereum price was at $212.33,down 0.87%….

How does Bitcoin Work?¿Cómo funciona el Bitcoin?

How does Bitcoin Work?¿Cómo funciona el Bitcoin?

Bitcoin the most widely used digital currency is a global phenomenon and use of this technology has been rapidly increasing over the past few years, yet still many users and skeptics are scratching their heads wondering ‘how does bitcoin work?’ How Does Bitcoin Work? Blockchain Technology The world’s foremost cryptocurrency exists online within its blockchain…

Five Simple Ways To Get FREE BitcoinCinco maneras simples de obtener Bitcoin GRATIS

Una cosa es cierta; siempre debes ser escéptico cuando escuches las palabras “bitcoin gratis” proveniente de cualquier persona. Al igual que el dinero o cualquier otro activo, las personas no tienden a regalarlo a menos que haya algo a cambio. Pero eso no significa que no sea posible obtener Bitcoin sin tener que trabajar para…

Five Easy Ways To Earn Bitcoin With No ExperienceCinco maneras fáciles de ganar Bitcoin sin experiencia

Five Easy Ways To Earn Bitcoin With No ExperienceCinco maneras fáciles de ganar Bitcoin sin experiencia

Las criptomonedas ahora se han establecido como una alternativa principal a la moneda fiduciaria en muchos países del mundo. Bitcoin en particular, alabado por su eficiencia, seguridad y tarifas extremadamente bajas, ha demostrado ser un medio importante para el almacenamiento de valor. Por esa razón, los países que enfrentan dificultades económicas extremas han visto un…

How to Invest in Bitcoin in 2019How to Invest in BitcoinHow to Invest in Bitcoin

How to Invest in Bitcoin in 2019How to Invest in BitcoinHow to Invest in Bitcoin

Between January and December 2017, the price of bitcoin rose from $980 to over $19,700—an increase of approximately 1,800%. Growth like this is unprecedented in the traditional markets and it highlights bitcoin’s potential as an investment vehicle. To take advantage of this opportunity, you need some background information and in this post, you’ll find everything…