Celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day with CoinCola: A Slice of History and Free Pizza

Bitcoin Pizza Day, celebrated annually on May 22nd, commemorates one of the most iconic transactions in cryptocurrency history. It marks the day when Laszlo Hanyecz famously made the first real-world purchase using Bitcoin, buying two pizzas for 10,000 BTC back in 2010. Little did he know that those pizzas would one day be worth millions of dollars!

Bitcoin Pizza Day is not just about celebrating a culinary delight; it’s a reminder of Bitcoin’s humble beginnings and its journey to becoming a global phenomenon. It highlights the early adopters’ belief in the potential of cryptocurrency, even when its value was just a fraction of a cent.

As we approach another Bitcoin Pizza Day, CoinCola, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, is joining the celebration in a delicious way. CoinCola will be giving out free pizza to its users to honor this historic event. Whether you’re a seasoned crypto enthusiast or new to the world of digital currencies, everyone is invited to participate and enjoy a slice of pizza on CoinCola.

Social Media Eligibility:


To be eligible, you must:

  • Retweet the promo post with hashtag #CoinCola and #BitcoinPizzaDay
  • Your post must reach at least 500 impressions to qualify
  • Have a verified CoinCola account
  • Fill out the form and provide a valid address for delivery

Winners will be selected at random.


To be eligible, you must:

  • Share the promo post on your Instagram feed or story with hashtags #CoinCola and #BitcoinPizzaDay
  • Your post must reach at least 50 views to qualify
  • Have a verified CoinCola account
  • Fill out the form and provide a valid address for delivery

Winners will be selected at random.


To be eligible, you must:

  • Share the promo post on your Facebook timeline with hashtags #CoinCola and #BitcoinPizzaDay
  • Your post must reach at least 50 likes to qualify
  • Have a verified CoinCola account
  • Fill out the form and provide a valid address for delivery

Winners will be selected at random.


To be eligible, you must:

  • Create a video about CoinCola, explaining Bitcoin Pizza Day and how to buy Bitcoin with CoinCola
  • Have a verified CoinCola account
  • The video should have at least 150 views
  • The video should contain simplified and detailed information about Bitcoin Pizza Day
  • Referrals should sign up with your referral code
  • Make your post with hashtag #CoinCola and #BitcoinPizzaDay and tag @CoinCola account

Winners will be selected at random.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day with CoinCola and relive a piece of cryptocurrency history, one slice at a time!

Terms and conditions apply!

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